Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Vitamin Water and Brooke Kline Saved Me

Today started our very well, considering how this week has been so far. I got out of the house mostly on time to get to Santa Rosa to pick up a Christmas gift from a VERY gifted friend. Then I went to KMart to return my unworn Ugly Sweatshirt, which was bought for the now already-highly-enjoyed Ugly Sweater Christmas Party (or, Ugly Christmas Sweater Party?). I happened uopn a grotesque sweater at the last minjte at Goodwill, so I wore that instead. (No, you can't see pictures. Ew.)

Then I was on to Target.... the Troublemakers seemed to be in an acceptable mood and I had a list of not more than 10 things to get. So I headed back to Rohnert Park and to Target. We were inside in the bathroom when one of my dearest friends heard my voice from inside her stall... it was Brooke with Caelen and Addison. So, we trampled around Target together. Her girls were so nicely behaved. In only took two minutes for my Troublemakers to go from "acceptable" to... well, UN-acceptable seems like too tame of a word. At one point I even said, "Can you please just give your brother a turn with the bacon?" Yeah. They were fighting over everything. And Target is not a calming place less than 48 hours before Christmas.

So, I was almost done and Brooke, the dear, was waiting for me to finish so we could exit together. I started getting a sharp pain in my lower abdomen which, being pregnant is not weird or scary. Just annoying. So, I figured I was hungry or whatever so ate some crackers and moved on towards the checkout. While I was waiting for our turn, I got dizzy and a little faint. THAT'S a little weirder than a sharp pain. So I grabbed a Vitamin Water out of the cooler near the cashier and started drinking it. Tyler started having a tantrum about getting out of the cart to show me something. I tried to be calm and tell him "No, you lost that priveledge last time we were here. We can try better next time." He lost it. Everything around me started to get more white and fuzzy and like a little muted. Tyler was soooooo melting down, and I knew I was not doing well because not only did I barely respond to his melting but I suddenly realized I wasn't standing up straight.

I turned to Brooke who was in the next line over and said "I really feel like I am going to pass out." I think she said I looked pale but I don't even remember. I managed to pay for my stuff and then as soon as I did I told the cashier that I needed help. I had to go sit down and they brought me ice for my neck!!!! How dramatic is that??? I sat there on the floor for like 5 or 10 minutes while sweet Brooke stayed with me then took all the kids over to the food area to wait for me. I was super hot at first then cold. But I felt better really fast... at least, I thought it was fast considering I really thought I was going to lose consciousness.

Anyways, isn't that crazy??? Brooke said that happened to her when she was pregnant last and thinks it's anemia... which makes total sense. I was also a little anemic when pregnant with Tyler. But the way the Vitamin Water helped I wonder if maybe my blood sugar was low also? Anyways, I am buying iron supplements tonight in hopes of THAT never happening again. WEIRD. I am so THANKFUL that God put Brooke there at the exact same time as me!!!!!!

So... that was my day. The end.

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