Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Glimpse of "Peace" (not Quiet)

WOW SHOCKING it has been so long since I have posted. ;) Yeah, I know, I'm the worst as I am always saying. Here's a little bit of Bishop Boy updates for you who live near and far:

TYLER is now (mostly) potty trained at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaay! Saving money on Pull-Ups is amazing. I am so proud of my big 4 year old. He is set to start preschool at the beginning of February! Tyler is VERY excited.... we'll see what happens when I drop him off for the first time. :)

AUSTIN is the quintessential little brother and likes to pretend he is a big brother to those around him who are smaller; yelling "NO!" in an firm voice is his favorite thing to say. He loves to run, climb, jump, dance, yell, giggle, fall and play at the coat tails of Ty. He love Thomas the Tank Engine and "Mee-mo" ("Finding Nemo").

DOUG has been busy at work and is now officially (small) part owner of Sebastopol Hardware! We are very excited to be a part of a great business and he looks forward to the future, growing the business and continuing its good reputation in West Sonoma County. He and I are taking a mini-vacation tomorrow out to Bodega Bay to relax for a night. We can't wait!

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If you don't live in the area, let me inform you of the insane rain we have had in the last 3-4 days. It's been quite the storm. Thunder woke Austin up one morning and I stumbled in the room to try and calm him back down (as it was 4:30am), only to hear Tyler say "Austin, you don't need to cry. It's just a storm." So sweet. Most the time it just seems Tyler feels like his life would be a heck of a lot better without Austin around and I am constantly referee. It's draining of energy to be a mom in the first place, but constantly breaking up fights adds to it for sure. Sometimes I feel defeated and that my efforts are going nowhere.

But I've been praying lately for a more "victorious" outlook on my every day life (as we have been going through 31 Days Of Power by Ruth Meyers in our Women's Bible Studay at church). God has revealed to me that the defeated feeling is not of Him- and since everything good is from our Almighty God, then the feelings I was having are BAD and NOT of Him; therefore, not the best He has for me OR what He intends. So, wanting to fight the enemy in this way, I have been hoping and praying to receive what has already been given to me by Christ: Victory! Now, my personal area of struggle is parenting these two Troublemakers- I love them with all my heart and soul but they are a HANDFUL- especially while not getting along. So I needed specific victory help from Jesus in this area!

This week I have already begun to feel it! God is so good. Little nuggets from Him can be so so encouraging! First, was that sweet little "storm" anectdote that I just told you about. Then, yesterday, when my dear sweet friend Brooke was flooded in at her house so we couldn't come visit, made the almost 4th day in a row at home. Going stir crazy. With a baby who I DEFINATELY wasn't about to take out it in that horrid weather (sweet Annabelle Burgess who I am blessed to watch every Wednesday when her beautiful mom goes to work). Now, going stir crazy makes me tired and worn out. Stir crazy makes the Troublemakers... crazy. BUT- yesterday, as I was trying to clean the floor and the kitchen and feed Annie and get macaroni on the table IT HAPPENED:

They played together. Nicely.

What? I know. Granted, they were running, racing, sliding on the floor and doing laps around a free standing wall in the middle of our downstairs. BUT THEY WERE LAUGHING. AND NOT FIGHTING! They do love each other!!!! And maybe sometime they will show that even more than once in a blue moon. Thank you, Lord for that moment of peace. From YOU.

And I'm okay that it wasn't quiet. :)

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37


  1. You're an amazing inspiration to me! The Lord is truly blessing you for your faithfulness. xoxo Court

  2. Yay! Everybody is so bloggy today. I love the ending to this. It's like the "God light" that comes through the clouds after a storm, when siblings actually play nicely together. BEAUTIFUL!
